- New Exchange Server: Reads the following fields:
- HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership
- OwaEnabled
- MapiEnabled
- MapiHttpEnabled
- ActiveSyncEnabled
- PopEnabled
- ImapEnabled
- GrantSendOnBehalfTo
- New Share permissions of hidden shares (ending with a $ sign) can now also be read. The command line argument “//HiddenAcls 1” can be used for this. Note: Administrative shares (Admin$, IPC$, C$, D$, E$, …) are never recorded.
- Share permissions of folders with symbolic links (e.g. DFS) are no longer recorded
- Dynamic documents: Template “Without data” only available in manufacturer mode
- Report Editor / Dynamic Documents: The options without function (e.g. “Save As”, “Open”, “Print Preview”, etc.) have been removed from the ribbon menu
- Reports: The field “VmGuestOnHost.Description” is now also available for explicit selection
- VMware acquisition: Name of the VM can also be determined correctly if it starts with a “.” or if it can only be read from the config file
- VMware acquisition: Intercepting an Error in the PowerCLI
- Improved prevention of duplicates when the name of the VM in the hypervisor is different from the name set in the operating system
- License management:
- Links between OEM licenses and products are not removed when the computer is scanned again (changes to your custom properties remain saved)
- Deletion of licenses with host licensing is working correctly again
- Custom properties of the type “String” for products in the license management again possible
- The number of missing host licenses is calculated even if no licenses have been stored
- Complete documentation of the available parameters via “LOGINfo.exe /?” and in the manual
- Web interface: Only nodes for which a table view exists can now be displayed
- Correct recognition of Exchange 2019 and the CUs
- Powershell: Access in multitenancy mode works correctly again
- Data import of device licenses works correctly again
- Solving problems during the migration from 8.3.2 to 8.3.3