New With version 9.4 LOGINventory gets many new features in the area of Cloud Inventory. For example, virtual machines from Azure and AWS are now newly captured, the Azure Active Directory is inventoried, and the on-premises AD inventory has also been extended. “Modern Authentication” is now always used to capture cloud services. Upgrade now for free to LOGINventory 9.4 and benefit from all new features!
VMs from Azure and AWS
LOGINventory can now query online from Azure and AWS which virtual machines exist, what status they have, which image they are based on, which payment model is used, which hardware equipment the VM has, how the VM can be addressed, in which data center it is running, and much more.
To do this, use the new definition types directly in the Remote Scanner and try out the acquisition right away!
Tip: As with other hypervisors (e.g. Hyper-V, VMware ESXi), only the information that is known to the hypervisor about the VM is determined in this way. However, if you also want to determine which software is installed, how full the partitions are, or which user logged in when, the device must also be scanned explicitly. For example, the Offline Agent can be used for the explicit scan of the VMs in the cloud.
Azure Active Directory
In addition to the inventory of an on-premises Active Directory, it is now also possible to determine information on Users, Computer Accounts and Group Memberships from an Azure Active Directory. This type of collection is suitable for pure Azure Active Directory configurations, but also for hybrid environments, as this also identifies information about users’ permissions on Azure.
Also for this, set up the new definition type in the Remote Scanner to benefit from the new features!
Breaking Change The previously scanned data of an on-premises Active Directory cannot be migrated into the new structure and will therefore be deleted by the update installation. After the update installation, simply restart the acquisition of the AD!
New account types in Remote Scanner
For the inventory of cloud services, no classic authentication with username and password is used, but “Modern Authentication“: Thus, appropriate settings must be made in Azure, or AWS and stored in the Remote Scanner at the new account types Azure Credentials and AWS Credentials.
To read Azure VMs, Exchange Server online, Azure AD, and Microsoft 365 subscriptions, an App Registration must be set up in Azure and authorized accordingly. An access key must be generated online for authentication to AWS.
Other innovations:
Build 15540 (09/27/2023):
- There is no longer a separate definition type for capturing Microsoft365 Subscriptions. Instead, the Azure AD inventory and the Micrsoft 365 Subscription capture have been combined into one common definition type.
- OU is written as a separate field at Users, Computers & Groups and is no longer just part of the DistinguishedName.
- LastLogonTimestamp for computers indicates when a computer last logged on to the domain.
- AzureAD values: UserType, Roles, Identities, Authentication, AzureLocalSync, PasswordPolicy.
- New queries about cloud VMs in the Platforms folder.
- Windows XP capture and other obsolete Windows versions: Release of a new LOGINfoL version.
- Fixed a bug that caused the scan with a local administrator account (not a domain user) to fail under certain conditions.
- Handling of “inactivity timeout” improved: timeouts should occur less frequently during acquisition.
- Fixed an error in the script for manually creating a LOGINventory database.
- Info widget: display ink level for additional types of printer cartridges.
- Event log: More entries about DNS, Hyper-V, IIS, etc. are read.
- Effective permissions of users: Fixed a bug that caused that under certain conditions the access permissions were not displayed correctly from the user’s point of view.
- Scan of monitor information: Improvement if no serial number could be determined.
- Improved recognition of the product key in Office LTSC.