Build 12938 (December 8, 2020):
- Multitenancy web interface writes the received inv files back into the correct data directories (Note: This did not work correctly with build 12931 only)
- Linux detection: Percentage data on partition occupancy available
Build 12931 (December 3, 2020):
- Set custom properties via remote scanner definition: Special characters in names now allowed
- Set IsVirtual=false for physical machines (previously this was only true for virtual machines)
- Improved return code, if Digest::MD5 was not found during SSH scan
- Improvements in using the offline agent in the multitenancy version
- Restructuring of the logic for saving settings in the multitenancy version
- Visual Studio 2019 is now also automatically recognized in license management
- Duplication of folders and the license management node is now possible in license management
- Last layouts (positions, widths) of the widgets are loaded again on restart
Build 12855 (18.11.2020):
- The Tasks “Assets younger than 30 days” & “Assets younger than 5 days” send the correct export in the attachment
- “Create filtered query” works correctly again with Boolean Properties
- Setting custom properties through the Powershell for “InventoryInfo” type queries now also supported
- Reading of recursive memberships of users in AD security groups improved
- Improved mapping between host and guest systems: The UUID is also mapped correctly, even if “byte-swapping” occurs
- User role concept now also works with users from other domains
- No more documents can be linked to linked documents (prevention of cyclic references)
- Correct handling when setting “empty” custom properties via the remote scanner
- VMware scan now supports setting custom properties from the command line