New With version 9.6, LOGINventory receives a major web update. Many new functions are now available on the asset details page after scanning a QR code, such as taking photos, documenting the transfer of multiple assets simultaneously or creating general lifecycle entries. User details can now also be viewed on the new User Details page on the web. This page can also be used as a self-service portal by any user to track which assets have been assigned to them and when. We present all the new features here.
Simultaneous Transfer of Multiple Assets
When handing out or returning a device, the new Additional Assets option can be used to select that the handover should be documented for several devices simultaneously. This means that several individual handovers no longer have to be carried out one after the other; one handover process is sufficient. When selecting the additional assets to be handed over, you can search by name, serial number, inventory number or owner.
Particularly helpful: If several devices are to be returned, all of the user’s assets are automatically suggested, so there is no need to search manually. This suggestion list can of course still be customized.
New User Details Page
The new User Details page allows authorized users to view all details of assigned assets and lifecycle entries for all users via the web. Furthermore, users outside the LOGINventory authorization concept can also see the details linked to them in LOGINventory on the web. This allows them to track which devices they signed for and when and easily see which assets are assigned to them.
Taking Photos
On the Asset Details page, it is possible to save a photo / image on the device. On a smartphone, the camera can be opened to take a photo and save it. You can also search the local photo storage on the smartphone or computer to upload a suitable image. The image stored here can then also be viewed / changed in the info widget.
Terms of Use and Tags
It is now possible to set that the user who receives a device must also accept the terms of use for the device. A specific PDF can be stored for this purpose, which can also be accessed via the website. If the conditions have been accepted, this is also documented accordingly in the generated lifecycle entry.
In addition, tags can be stored in the settings. These tags are then available on the website and save time during the handover process. For example, tags can be used to document that devices were handed over “incl. charging cable” or “incl. protective cover”, or that the “condition was OK”.
It is now also possible to set that lifecycle entries created via the website can no longer be subsequently edited in order to prevent manipulation.
Creating General Lifecycle Entries
Using a smartphone or tablet, you can now not only document the hand out or return of devices, but also create general lifecycle entries, e.g. to document a repair, maintenance, decommissioning, scrapping or similar. The procedure is identical to the previous process, but you can now also create your own lifecycle entries via the Web Viewer as before in the Info widget.
Furthermore, all existing lifecycle entries on the asset can also be viewed.
Editing Custom Properties
On the asset details page, it is now no longer only possible to create lifecycle entries, but also to edit custom properties and the description field of a device. For example, the location or status of a device can be easily adjusted via smartphone after scanning the QR code.
In the associated manual chapter, you will find more detailed explanations, an explanation of how to generate and scan QR codes and links to all relevant topics.
Further Innovations
Build 16608 (19.06.24):
- Web Viewer:
- Display also possible for devices that currently have no owner.
- Search for users is no longer case-sensitive.
- Display also possible for assets that have no
- Topology: Improved reliability.
Build 16581 (14.06.24):
- Linux capture: Reliability when determining the UUID (validation) & UUID2 (byte swapping) improved.
- Hyper-V capture: UUID2 is written for stubs (previously only the case for ESXi host)
- If the browser component has been deactivated in LOGINventory.config (“NoCef”), an error message no longer appears when a node for which an HTML view is defined is clicked.
- License Management: In the list of consumers, the owner of a device is again displayed in brackets after the device name.