Version 9.0.3 is the first public version 9, which contains various improvements over version 8:
Build 14127 (07.10.2021):
- New values:
- Operating System: Updates Pending / Reboot Pending
- Snapshots: Information about snapshots / checkpoints of Hyper-V and VMware
- VHD Drives: Information about virtual hard disks of VMs
- UserLogons: Actual logons of users to devices
- Remaining lifetime for SSDs
- ConnectionType for monitors: Specifies the protocol used to connect monitors
- Exchange mailboxes: LitigationHoldDuration, LitigationHoldEnabled, RetentionPolicy, MailboxItemCount, ArchiveItemCount, ArchiveSize
- New Query Editor:
- Most important / most used properties above
- Full-text search
- Templates
- Filter conditions can be displayed as text
- Consistent handling of layouts / column orders
- New interface for creating assets: Asset Editor
- New Info Widget:
- Graphical info
- Multiline description texts
- Former Journal widget integrated
- Replaces Journal, ComputerAccount and UserAccount widget
- New Password Management: User accounts / passwords can be assigned to assets and encrypted by master password
- New Topology Editor / Viewer:
- Ability to “live” select which types of devices are displayed in the topology
- Saving of the arrangement, so that the same arrangement is there again at the next startup
- Indicate what has changed since last viewing of the topology (e.g. “new” or “removed”)
- Select which details about the devices should be displayed (e.g. not only name, but also owner, or OS, IP address)
- Editing “unknown” devices, for which we only know the MAC
- Search for device names
- If necessary, store building plans or room plans to document the location of a computer
- Completely new look
- Display of the current ping status
- Assets can be queried to see which switch they are connected to
- New: Online reading of warranty information from devices (possible for selected manufacturers)
- New Reports:
- Optimized Dynamic Document: Operation Manual
- Reading group memberships of computer accounts, reading group type
- Web Viewer:
- When updating, only the app pool is restarted and not the whole IIS
- User specific customizations (column order, sorting, etc.) are permanently stored in cookies
- Automated cleanup of AD data possible
- Dashboards can be created / customized by users themselves and respect the hierarchy of the tree structure
- Custom Properties:
- Sets with allowed values can be defined for custom properties
- Sets can be generated automatically based on previously stored values
- Extension of available data types
- Formatting of properties possible
- Hiding of not filled properties in the widget possible
- Exchange Scan: Multiple accounts can be assigned to the definitions
- Remote Scanner: No more error message if no Exchange server could be reached when setting up an Exchange definition
- Task service: Mail port freely selectable
- Views “Computer accounts” and “User accounts” have been abolished -> Instead view “AD Matching“
- New syntax for usernames / group names: FQDN -> allows information from multiple domains to be managed in one database
- New custom actions:
- Uninstall software packages: Using the list of software package installations (entity: SoftwarePackageInfo), a Powershell script can be started as a custom action, which attempts to remotely uninstall the corresponding package.
- Running Scheduled Tasks: Using the Scheduled Tasks list (entity: ScheduledTask), a command can be run that executes the scheduled task remotely.
- Multitenancy version: LOGINfo.exes are updated in all client directories on update
- Asset inventory based on Active Directory: switching between explicit and implicit node selection in OU structure possible.
- Tree structure: Reload linked nodes when master structure is changed
- Newly created reports are now directly available in ribbon menu and for tasks without LOGINventory or service restart
- VM Scan: Certain VM types can be excluded from capture using wildcards
- VMware Scan:
- If possible, the IPs of the virtual machines are also captured when scanning the host
- The /AllowVmNameSpaces parameter can be used to specify that virtual machines with spaces in their names should not have their names truncated after the first space.
- If only the IP is reported as the ESXi host name via the API, the DNS record is used instead to specify the host name
- Debug files are no longer processed by the Data Service but are stored in the Debug subfolder
- Portable LMC: Data Import Option No Longer Available