You can use our trial version for 20 devices free of charge, for an unlimited period of time and with all functions of the Inventory Edition without registration. You can also request a personal 30-day test license for your network in a suitable size at any time.
For the unlimited use of LOGINventory with more than 20 assets you need a paid license, which cannot be credited to the trial version.
You would like to test the new management of peripheral devices as an existing customer? Apply for your test license for Add-on Assets here!
LOGINventory Version 9.8.0
LOGINventory9 including Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express Edition
Recommended for all new customers and testers and for the upgrade from LOGINventory8. We install the free Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Express Edition during setup and configure it so that you can get started right away. By the way, this database is also suitable for productive operation.
Recommended operating system: Windows 10 and higher, or Windows Server 2016 and higher
LOGINventory requires .NET Framework >= 4.8
File size: approx. 950 MB
LOGINventory9 without Database
You already have a database (Microsoft SQL Server) that you want to use to manage the data? You want to update from an older version of LOGINventory? You want to perform an update within LOGINventory9? Download this version without additional database and start right away!
Recommended operating system: Windows 10 and higher, or Windows Server 2016 and higher
LOGINventory requires .NET Framework >= 4.8
File size: approx. 420 MB
Already a customer with active Software Assurance? Order your free upgrade license here and start right away with LOGINventory9!
How to migrate from version 8 to version 9 is explained in this migration guide. Learn about the options, backup possibilities and more!
Other Downloads
TeamViewer QuickSupport
If you need support, we can help you with troubleshooting via the free TeamViewer QuickSupport under your guidance.
SQL Server Management Studio
Can be used to manage SQL Server databases, e.g. to define roles or perform backups.