LOGINventory Version 8.2.1

Build 11397 (18.06.2019):

  • Webinterface: Folder “bin” was not created during publishing

Build 11394 (14.06.2019):

  • Offline-Agent: Fixed problem “The required security protocol is not supported” on Windows 7
  • Remote Scanner: Automatically clean job history down to 250 entries by default
  • Scanner: Fixed problem with VCenter scan duplicating hostnames that overwrite each other when inserted
  • Scanner: Fixed problem when scanning mobile devices that do not return a value at “LastSuccessSync” and therefore could not be inserted
  • Migration: Migration script for 8.2 does not longer need sysadmin rights on sql server

LOGINventory Version 8.2.0

Build 11385 (12.06.2019):

  • Remote Scanner: Fixed bug when parsing IP addresses

Build 11384 (07.06.2019):

  • Save documents in the database. It is now possible not only to link documents, but also to store them directly in the LOGINventory database. This is very useful when storing proofs of purchase on computers or licenses, for example. More information here.
  • Readout of Microsoft-Cloud-Subscriptions. It is now possible to read online from Microsoft365 (e.g. Office365, PowerBI Pro, …) which subscriptions have been taken out and which licenses have been assigned to which users. The corresponding products can then also be managed in LOGINventory License Management. More information here.
  • Convert “Failed Inventory” to “fully-fledged Asset”. It is now possible to convert devices that could not be completely captured (node “Incorrect inventory”) into assets via the context menu. As a result, these devices can also be assigned their own properties and documents can be stored. This is useful, for example, for devices that do not have an API for capturing data (e.g. IP telephones). More information here.
  • Tree structure: An arrow next to a node is only visible if the node can be expanded.
  • SQL Server Acquisition: Now also works outside your own Subnet
  • Performance: Automatic creation of indexes leads to better performance, especially with large databases.
  • Notification if not enough LOGINventory licenses available
  • License management:
    • Automatic assignment of licenses. Licenses that can be automatically entered by LOGINventory (cloud subscriptions, OEM licenses) are automatically stored in the license management for the corresponding products.
    • Improved calculation formula for Windows Server
    • Validation of manually stored date values
    • Duplicating versions during product configuration no longer leads to errors
    • Depositing a different source for the consumers again possible
    • Performance improvements
  • Effective permissions: System task automatically performs calculation in the background
  • Standard limit value for displaying dynamically generated nodes increased from 50 to 200
  • Scanner:
    • For SNMP acquisition, the flags “WMIonly” and “RPConly” are ignored.
    • Fixed timeout when reading events
    • Jobs are displayed again in the definitions.
    • For security reasons, a backup of definitions, jobs, etc. is created locally.
  • Web interface: Displaying asset details no longer causes problems when using Windows authentication
  • Data highlighting works correctly again
  • Linux Offline Agent: IP and MAC are read correctly
  • Tasks: Export of files works correctly, even if file already exists
  • Portable LMC can perform license management calculation even if AutomationService is not available
  • Correction of several errors in the authorization concept
  • Reading custom properties under Linux works correctly again
  • Tasks and Notifications: AutomationService correctly releases memory after a task has been executed

LOGINventory Version 8.1.2

  • Offline Agent Wizard: Button “Use for all” works correctly.
  • Windows Offline Agent: loginfo_script.zip is copied also when publishing for the first time.
  • Linux Offline Package (.rpm & .deb): Improved handling of invalid characters.
  • Capture:
    • Improved reading of Bios-OEM keys;
    • SNMP capture works again, even if otherwise only NetSNMP credentials are used;
    • NetSNMP capture: command line arguments encrypted;
    • Folder permissions: Ciruclar references are read correctly;
    • Exchange 2010: Fixed causes that prevented ActiveSync devices from capturing.
  • LOGINuse: Data is stored in the correct directory again LOGIN\LOGINuse\8.0.
  • Table User: Duplicates are removed, which can occur if an existing user is deleted from the AD and then recreated (with a different SID).
  • Tasks can also be executed with roles and authorizations switched on.
  • AD-Lookup: Performance improvements.
  • License management: Correct calculation of downgrades when storing host licenses.
  • Data import: Own properties written by the scanner are no longer deleted.
  • Data Import: No more error messages if My Property was deleted.

LOGINventory Version 8.1.1

  • Possibility to exclude certain user groups during AD-Scan (command line argument “/ignoregroups group1;group2”)
  • Themes: Correct view during data import
  • Linux acquisition: fixed a bug that prevented the capture of certain Linux systems
  • Webinterface: Jump to Asset using /?pcuid=AssetName also works if “Assets” node was moved
  • Setup now checks if LOGINventory Updater is still running
  • Migration: Improvements for unlinked documents
  • Topology view: Indirect connections no longer displayed
  • Server Role Queries: Correct Filter Conditions
  • Dynamic documents now again contain information about VM guests
  • Default dashboards are included
  • Validation of date values when storing custom properties
  • Offline Agent Publishing works even with incorrect IIS configuration

LOGINventory Version 8.1.0

  • Themes and darkmode: Adjust the colors of background, icons and font to your own needs
  • Performance updates: faster creation of reports, faster entry of inv files, faster calculation in license management
  • Offline Agent: Various bugfixes
  • Webinterface: Problem with missing rights fixed
  • Network connections: By default, only local ports up to 11000 are detected (can be changed by Switch //ConnectionsMaxLocalPort)
  • Tasks: Fixed a bug that caused tasks to run only every second time
  • Tasks: Bug fixed that always added timestamps to exported files
  • First Scan Guide: Windows Credentials now opitonal
  • Bugfix: LOGINventory runs as 64-bit application

LOGINventory Version 8.0.9

  • LOGINuse: Bugfix for some empty product names
  • Migration from versions prior to 7.8.0: full execution of all migration scripts
  • Remote Scanner: Scan over AD Sites and Subnets has generated too many IP scans
  • Migration of SNMP v3 credentials works correctly
  • Change history: change of the “owner” is logged
  • Web interface: Exports work
  • Web interface: Layout bug fixed
  • Entering switches when VirtualSwitch.name is empty
  • Detection of MacOS devices with Chinese characters does not lead to errors
  • Exchange acquisition: Default timeout increased
  • Changing queries in the basic data source in license management caused a crash

LOGINventory Version 8.0.8

Build 11056 (21.03.2019):

  • Sorting by hard disk size works correctly again
  • Reports can be applied to folders in license management
  • LOGINventory Data Service can also be started if not all client databases are accessible
  • Performance Improvement for Administrator Rights Calculation

Build 11042 (20.03.2019):

  • PDF export for dynamic nodes possible
  • Bugfix: Incorrect calculation of license consumer
  • License management: Downgrades now also partially possible
  • Migration: small improvements

Build 11030 (19.03.2019):

  • Multitenancy: The correct configuration of the respective client is loaded
  • Migration: small improvements

Build 11022 (18.03.2019):

  • License management: Copying of products possible
  • License management: Order of versions is calculated correctly
  • License management: Possibility to display all recognized products (also already added products)
  • New value: VLanName at MacAddressTable
  • Linux Offline Agent: rpm file has been missing